Clubs & Organizations
Honor Society
Mission: Our purpose is to encourage and recognize excellence in intellectual achievement, promote worthy leadership, and the development of character.
Maintain yearly average of 90
Nine weeks average of at least 85
Discipline referrals should not exceed 2 per nine week
Suspension: probation for remainder of year; 2nd suspension -membership revoked
Students are expected to participate in all service activities
Students are expected to attend all meetings
Community Services
Campus Clean-Up Day
On Saturday, December 4th from 10:00am to 12:00pm we will host a Campus Clean-Up Day and will be joined by volunteers from the Alpha Alpha Theta Sigma Chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. If you would like to join in you are invited. More information regarding decluttering opportunities in conjunctions with the clean-up day will be sent out this week.
![Sigma logo](
Welcome to BCIS Counseling and Guidance Department
Mission Statement
The Counseling and Guidance Program's mission is to provide each student regardless of character, belief, or race the opportunity to develop their potential through the provision of developmental assistance for all students and specialized assistance for students with unique needs. Students are to acquire competencies in the knowledge of self and others, and educational and career planning domains.
Breanna Chess
Phone: 334-266-6151 Ext: 3031
Email Breanna Chess
Forms & Files